
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hi Cavileers!   You're probably wondering who I am?  My name is Nathaniel and I'll be in charge of your classroom blog this year.  I went to college with your teacher. That was right after we gradated from Ninja school and won all those invention awards.  We were working as spies in... hold on, I shouldn't be telling you all this.
Back to our introduction... Mr. Cavileer signed me up so that he could continue to work hard with you in the classroom while I show you some amazing things on our blog.  You'll be seeing alot of me on here, but don't worry, your teacher will still be stopping by too. We have a lot in common, in fact, we're surprisingly similar in everything we do. 
 I hope you are excited to start blogging with me and your classmates.  Think of our blog as any other after-school club, only this one ROCKS! You don't have to carpool, fundraise, or even get sweaty.  You just hop on your computer and blast off into the Blogosphere!

Hey, shhh. I'm not supposed to know this, but Project OREO is tomorrow.  Leave those jittery hands at home, cause I've heard that even 6th graders have difficulty in the OREO tower construction business.  The thing is, Mr. Cavileer thinks you guys are going to do great and he is never wrong. Good luck!

P.S. I know the post says that Mr. Cavileer wrote this but that is just because I'm a super genius and I guessed his password.  

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