
Thursday, October 13, 2011

What will your dog eat if there's no homework on the menu?

Many of the students have been given one or two homework passes this week depending on their September RAH completion and if they attempted our first blog Math challenge.

     Our next few challenges will have different rewards until some of these are used.  Students may choose any night to use their homework pass.  I have suggested to them that they tell you ahead of time if they plan to use them.  They must hand them in the next morning instead of homework, which makes not losing them important.

     The pass counts for all assignments that night.  If it is used, I will not marked missing homework for spelling or math, and I will put a note in their RAH log so that their FIT teacher knows that the skipped assignment was excused.

     The next six months of RAH will have a reward of (ONE) personal pan pizza certificate if the students miss two days or less in their RAH logs.

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