
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Matter Amusement Parks

     Today the students met in cooperative groups to begin planning their own Matter amusement parks. My goal with this assignment was to make the students responsible for their own learning.  I gave them two Unitedstreaming videos, numerous books on solids, liquids, and gases, and a deadline. Their assignment was to use their prior knowledge and the new information they discovered to design an amusement park based on the three states of matter.  Their park needed to have a minimum of three rides that display the properties of solids, three liquid rides, and three rides that involve gas in some way.  Today was the planning stage and map making.  Thursday and Friday will be the days the students create a brochure with a description of each ride.  This student-centered learning activity will show how well the students learned the content from this unit and were able to apply it to this real world project.
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1 comment:

  1. Such an aewsome lesson! Can't wait to see the gas they come with nose plugs? Wish I was in your class!

    Mrs. Cialini
