
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Procedural (How-to) Writing

This week our writers have been brainstorming ideas for writing procedural paragraphs that describe the steps to completing a task through their writing.  We are applying our knowledge of transitional words to organize the steps of a process and plan how-to paragraphs.  Our paragraphs are hooking the reader with captivating introduction sentences and then effectively serving their purpose through the use of four sequencing sentences kicked off with transitional words. 
Today we expanded the possibilities of our writing for the month by recapping just how many procedures we are good at.  To aid in this endeavor, we sorted these procedures into things we can do, things we can make, and things we can be.  Breaking all the many things we are capable of into these three distinct groups helped the students realize just how much we have learned in only 7-8 short years.  Basically, there's not much this group doesn't know "How-to" do.  So now let's go write about it!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to read these if they are hanging in the hallway! Good luck kids!

    Mrs. Cialini
