Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Interim Reports Through GradeQuick

Now that the students are in 3rd grade they will begin receiving number grades which of course you can equate to letter grades. Their work is being graded on a daily basis and expectations are high. The Absecon school district uses gradequick software to compute and average grades. This spreadsheet is connected to our EdLine websites and grades will be available to you online at each interim and report card date using your EdLine login information.
The weighting option within the software allows me to input each graded assignment and have an average computed using the following formula: 20% classwork/homework, 30% quizzes, and 50% tests. A few quick notes are that I do not grade every classwork and homework assignment, but take at least 4 grades from this category each week. Also, quizzes in my 3rd grade classroom consist mostly of classwork assignments where student collaboration is restricted. A Quiz may simply be 10 textbook problems from page 54 in the math textbook while folders are stood up to guarantee all work is authentically from the individual. Tests can be anticipated at the end of a reading story or chapter in our math text.

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