Thursday, September 29, 2011

1st Grade Buddy Readers

This afternoon, the Cavileers were introduced to their 1st grade buddy reader.  The students spent the first half of our period getting to know their eager reading partners and then quickly jumped into one of their RAH stories from earlier this week.  The partners will remain the same all year to form strong reading bonds across grade levels that encourage all readers to improve their abilities.  Every 4 weeks, the readers will switch classrooms so they get a chance to be hosts some weeks and visit Mrs. Phillips' classroom the others.

Create your own video slideshow at
I'm experimenting with animoto as opposed to Youtube.  This video was limited to 30 seconds.  My next one will be longer as I plan to sign up for a membership.

Partners are...
Room 1
Domenick – John
Maggie – Journi
Akash – Cole
Cassie – Sara
Kenzie – Kylie – Reagan
Neillie – Sameera
Jordyn - Ella – Jack
Calvin – Shanen - Yash
Room 2
Lambros – Nicholas
Dev – Xavier
Eileen – Paige
Fred – Ryan U.
Leah – Savannah – Madison
Christion – James
John B. – Danny – Ryan M.
Angela – Brianna
Emmie - Kariana

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